We put our house on the market two weeks ago and there was alot of work that lead up to the sign being hammered in the ground. I won't bore you with the details but lets just say after tons of trips to Goodwill dropping off bags of clothes, ripping out old bushes and re-mulching the flower beds, and filling the window boxes and pots with pretty curb appeal flowers..... I was so glad to put that sign in the yard.
Why are we selling our house? Busy Dad has been commuting to a different state every day for 2 1/2 years. That would be an hour in the morning and and hour in the evening. With gas prices rising almost daily and the kids already in bed when he gets home...its getting kind of old. So wish us luck that our house sells before August when school starts.
We have three birthdays in May. Hayden turned 8 last week and he had a skating party with all of his friends.

Katherine turned 13 today!
Yes, we have a teenager in the house! Busy Dad celebrates his birthday next week.

This week has been teacher appreciation at all of the kids schools. So I have been sending things in each day for two of my children's teachers. Katherine felt like she was too old to participate but that did not stop me from making monogrammed key chains for all of her teachers!!
Abigale only goes twice a week so she only had to bring in two things.
So my Aloha Question this week is....
****Do you have Teacher Appreciation Week at your school?****
*****Do you send things in? Are you crafty with your gifts?*****
My kid's are grown but my daughter has been neck high in teacher appreciation week. Here are two wonderful blogs that have lot's of teacher appreciation gift ideas that I referred my daughter to.
You know, I feel horrible that I don't know if we do have teacher appreciation week. Oh - duh! I was just there Wed. volunteering and its this week because they had pics of all the teachers up out front of the office. Oh man, I feel bad now.
Good luck selling your house btw!!!!
My Aloha Friday is up over at http://spiceworld.us Happy Friday!
Welcome Back!
Oh Jen, you are so cool. If I was a teacher and had one of your kids as a student, I would so look forward to having you make me one of those cool key-chains. You made SIX of those. I sent in candy bars. How lame is that? Oh well... congratulations on having a teenager girl. Get your year supply of ADVIL now, you will be needing it. Hehe. Oh, by the way... she is beautiful.
Good luck on that house being sold. I am with you on commuting. It stinks if you never see the kids.
Happy Mother's Day!
Hey Katherine,
HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY!!!!! We hope you have a great one!
Love, Amber, Kirk and Myles
those key chains are the bomb!
Good luck on the sale of your house, and we do have teacher appreciation week, this year I bought two books from the book fair for her classroom. She is an awesome teacher!
welcome back! wow you HAVE been busy!! Good luck to you on selling the house!!
Happy Birthday to everyone! My kids aren't in school yet -- but those are really really cute key chains!!! that's really sweet!
Happy Birthday!!!!
To Hayden, I hope you had a great B-day No. 8! Like the cake too!! I am a Bumblebee fan myself, since he is a Camaro. Your Mom and Dad can explain!
To Katherine, Happy 13th Birthday!! WOW! A teenager already! It seems like just yesterday I was making you and Becca act rambunctious. Now you guys are growing up on me. I hope you have a great day!!!
Love and miss you guys!!
Michael, Melanie, and Laura Likis
I love the song on your blog. My girl isn't in school yet but I can't wait for the fun of it all. I love crafting and also can't wait til my daughter is old enough for that. ;)
13 years old? Isn't that when you know everything?
Good luck and happy birthday.
I was thinking about you the other day wondering where you've been. Glad your back!
Yes I do, in fact I bought those little tin pails that you used back at Easter, I think. I copied you and put their initial on it and filled it with some tiny goodies! I meant to take a picture to post, but in my haste forgot!
Thanks for the idea!
Welcome back...yes, we've missed you!
Wow, you guys have been busy lately! There's always so much going on this time of year isn't there!?!
Good luck on the sale of your house...please keep us informed. My husband commuted for over 10 years and it was hard but it was better than moving the family back down to Los Angeles. Sometimes moving is a hard decision but it sounds like you have given it alot of thought. Good luck and lets hope for a quick sale!
Good luck on the house selling! Your appreciation gift key chains are so stinking cute! I wanna be your kids teacher! Happy Mother's Day!
Those teachers are so lucky to have your kids in their class!
Good luck with the house sale and move!
Good luck with selling the house! It's a big step that Dear Hubby and I might be considering in the not too distant future.
I replied to your email re: giveaways but the email was kicked back to me. Did you're email addy change? Email me again at ellebee@.... (you know the rest).
Glad to see you back and blogging!
I didn't know it was Teacher Appreciation Week. Thanks for letting me know! Glad to have you back!
Oh I love the song. My girls play it over and over and I have yet to get sick of it like so many of their favorites. They even have Elijah bopping to the beat.
Just stopped in again to ask how the big Mother's Day Sleepover went?
You recovered yet?
wow you have been busy!
Hey, if I need a key chain by like Tuesday, is that even possible?
wow you have been busy!
Hey, if I need a key chain by like Tuesday, is that even possible?
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