Thursday, November 16, 2006

Overheard at my house

Today was going to be a busy day of driving 1 1/2 hours for a Eye Dr. appointment and then hurrying home to pick up Katherine (11) at school from her Community Problem Solvers club. Hayden wears glasses and since we have moved to Missouri we now have to drive 1 1/2 hours every 3 months to go to a specialist. Today was the appointment and I had him dressed (he was so handsome) and ready to go to school. He was going to school and I was going to check him out later to head to the appointment. While eating breakfast the Dr.s secretary called to say that the Dr. had missed his flight from vacation and could we re-schedule for later in the month. So now my son is jumping up and down excited because he wants to change out of his clothes and put on his school clothes. I thought he looked so cords, blue button down shirt and a sweater vest. He was quite the dapper dan!! I told him that his father had worn a similar outfit to work and that they both were so handsome. So without missing a beat...Hayden said " I hope they don't laugh at him at work". I had to turn around so he would not see me laughing!!

1 comment:

Turtlemama said...

HA!!! That's great! What a smart kid you have there! LOL