I am back and trying to get better at posting on my blog! I love Aloha Friday and visiting every one's blogs!
My question of the week.......
How many extra curricular activities do you let your kids participate in?
We have four children and we have always had the rule that they could each be involved in one after school activity. I have a HS volleyball player, a 6th grade soccer player, a 4th grade football player and a Kindergarten soccer player.
That keeps me in the mom taxi after school driving to all the practices. Thank goodness for other Moms that help out! I couldn't do it without them.
Have a great weekend y'all!
Leave a comment about your kids activities and also head to my Wednesday post with a giveaway for your favorite teacher!
I pretty much leave that up to them. As long as their grades are good, they can do the extra activities.
My kids can pick one sport a year. We also do piano lessons all the time, for two of the kids currently. And we do cub scouts all of the time, for two kids currently as well.
we are just now getting into all that with kids being 5 and 7, but my goal is one sport at a time. and then pair it up with another activity like scouts or music.
right now 3 out of 4 of my daughters play soccer and so far that has been their only activity (enough to keep my running) but my oldest is now in 6th grade and would like to give basketball and volleyball a go so we are going to let her do that. :)
We usually limit it to one unless their grades are really good.
One each is good for me! I hate shuffling from one place to the other all week long!
Right now we only have one of our kids involved in extra stuff. That is soccer and scouts.
Girlie Girl used to go to 4 different classes a week. However, we've now cut it down to 2. It was getting so crazy to have to drive her everywhere!
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