Thursday, November 29, 2007

Things I am Thankful For ( A week late)

Did you know that I can get six people packed and orders finished and hostess gifts made in under 24 hours? We decided last Monday to leave the next day for Alabama. A twelve hour trip with four was had by all!

Here are some things I am thankful for ...

For fall leaves in Anniston, AL

For spending time with your cousin! For Dad's taking kids to Starbucks.

For kids all fitting in one car!

For BFF's

For a great Football Rival!

Auburn and Alabama!

For tailgating with our old

neighbors Chris and Jill

For meeting up with our old

neighbors from Missouri! For enjoying the game with friends.

For seeing Tiger walk from up high!!

For meeting new friends!

For stopping for breakfast in Alabaster

and seeing all the Christmas trees here!

Thank you to all our friends for a great whirlwind trip to Alabama. Wayne and Judy thanks for your wonderful southern hospitality...Not just anyone would invite six people into their home spur of the moment!!




Stacey said...

we moms are amazing on no sleep!! looks like great fun!

Anonymous said...

Those are great photos. I love the one of everybody in the car together! Kind of reminds me of when they try to see how many clowns can fit into one car. Not to say you guys are clowns or anything. hee hee

An Island Life

Ann(ie) said...

What incredible pictures. Everyone looks to be happy and having so much fun!!! And I'm in love with that teeny little baby at the bottom!!!