Monday, October 02, 2006

Fall into Reading

Katrina over at Callapidder Days has a great idea about posting what you are reading and seeing what everyone else is reading. So here goes.

Motor Mouth- Janet Evonovich ---------I am number 4 on the waiting list at the Library
The Last Precinct- Patricia Cornwell-----First 4 chapters...
Have you Seen Her- Karen Rose ----Finished last night
Crazy Wild-Tara Jantzen
Code Name Blondie- Christina Skye ------waiting on it from Paperback Swap
Over the Edge- Suzanne Brockmann


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love Janet Evanovich, so I look forward to hearing how you like "Motor Mouth"! I'm working on the Stephanie Plum books right now, and one day, want to read more of her other works.


Unknown said...

I was just stopping by to visit everyone's list, and I'm also reading J.Evanovich's Eleven On Top. I just love her books.
My Aunt suggested Metro Girl, for next time. Let me know how you like Motor Mouth.

Betty's Loosing Race said...

I just left a comment on you menu then I read your profile and noticed we have several things in common. I am also an only child, my husband has 5 brothers and we stopped at having 2 girls. I chuckled at what you were saying.

I will visit again.

Reformed Grits said...

How do you find time to read? I love to read, but havent read a "real" book in a couple of YEARS. I miss it so much!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

I've read and enjoyed lots of Patricia Cornwell books, including The Last Precinct. And I've never read anything by Janet Evanovich, but she's popping up on lots of lists, so I'm going to have to give her a try one of these days!

Anonymous said...

Hey, me again :) I was here checking out your menu and wondered if you had gotten Motor Mouth from the library yet... just wondering if it's good!

Have a great day :)