The kids have been out of school since the end of May and I don't think I have ever been busier. I thought June and July was summer vacation? haha I know I am the instigator on most of the things we have done so far. Here is a recap.....
Last day of school and the tradition is to run to the playground and wave to all the buses leaving. The bus drivers all honk their horns at the same time and kids let balloons go.

As fast as school ended Abigale started Kindergarten summer school. She rides the bus and goes on field trips. She loves it..especially since every week they give her $5.00 if she doesn't miss any days!! Its just during the month of June.

Brad Paisley and Sugarland Concert in Fayettville Arkansas. The kids were on the front row and were so excited when Brad walked down the stairs and posed for a picture. What a great show!

Hayden has gone to two basketball camps and is now doing golf camp.
Hayden has also been busy with Boy scouts. He is a Weblo now!! He has the painted cheeks to prove it!!

We have been to Kansas City two weekends in a row for Rebecca's Soccer tournaments. They came in Second place at the Nutmeg Tournament.
While in Kansas City we had time to have a history lesson. Busy Dad never lets these opportunities pass. haha We went to the Presidential Library of Harry S. Truman.

Katherine has gone to one Church camp and will be going on a week long camp later this summer. Katherine has also been getting up early every day in June for Hoops and Nets at the HS. She is lifting weights and working on volleyball.

Rebecca took some time to make some of her Duck Tape purses and donated them to the Children's Miracle Network for a silent auction.
It has not been all fun and games here at the Wilson house. The kids all signed up for the summer reading program at our local library. The girls are in the Teen Program and have been taking their friends for reading time and craft time. They made tye die T-shirts last week and journals this week.

Last weekend we went to our town celebration that had rides, good food and a concert. The band that played was Kansas! A little "Dust in the Wind" They sounded great!

Jennifer, life in the summertime can be busier than ever...and your life is living proof! Hope you find some time to relax and take a few moments for yourself.
Take care and have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for the update. Reading all that just makes me tired! It also shows that this group is always on the move.
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