Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Party Favors

Last week when Abigale celebrated her birthday we handed out Gumball Goodie bags. I had made these in May for the teachers but was only able to find the small gumballs at Walmart. I lucked out and our Sams Club had the cases of large gumballs in stock the week I was there. I put two cups of gumballs in a clear bag and printed out round stickers that had the Princess graphic on them. ( I had scanned in Abigale's Blank Birthday invitation and shrunk it to fit on the sticker)

This is what I put on the sticker.
"Thank you for celebrating Abigale's Birthday. I hope you had a Ball"

I tied them with ribbon and put them in a big red tub to take to the pool.


Linda said...

Great idea. I love your ideas they are so creative and budget conscience.

Linda said...

Who doesn't love gumballs!! What a great party favor!

cherry said...

Hi there! Just found your blog...and had a great time! I love to do crafts and thrift..so I can see you are a girl after my own heart. I am an only child too. cherry

Kim Sue said...

"hope you had a ball"...that's really cute. I will have to remember that.

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute . . . as usual!

Ann(ie) said...

ADORABLE!!! I always love what you create!!!

Busy Dad Mumbles said...

Great gumballs. Thanks for the gumball Mickey!

sweetfunkyvintage said...

so cute!