Monday, January 28, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway- Toile & Twine

You know I love giveaways!! So I could not pass up the chance to particpate again in Shannon's bloggy giveaway.

Thanks for stopping by. I am giving away a set of my personalized toile notecards and your choice of baking twine. It comes in red/white and brown/white and has 10 yards on a spool that I have decorated with Amy Butler paper. You might have seen this twine on Martha Stewart. She loves to wrap packages and baked goods with this twine.
You can visit my Etsy shop if you want to see these items up close.
Just leave a comment and I will pick a somebody on Friday. Good Luck!
**I have another giveaway over at J Designs so go check it out!*****


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Mockingbird Hill said...

Your cards are just beautiful! Please enter me in your drawing...thanks so much!


Melissa said...

Your cards are adorable, but I love the red & white twine! Please include me in your drawing.

Brit said...

I love cute cards to send out! I'm a youth leader at our church so I'm constantly writing all sorts of cards! These would be perfect!

Steph said...

I love those cards, and the twine, Oh my!

Lisa said...

I would love to win these! Great gifts!

Free Art Printables said...

Sign me up, they are awesome. You can head over to my blog to sign up for my giveaway too!
Jen R

Teddi said...

Lovely cards and giveaway!

Jessica said...

Sign me up too!

Lori Leigh said...

Your cards are beautiful and your twine looks fun! Enter me please. :)

Unknown said...

count me in please!!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I've been seeing the twine everywhere and would love to have some. Great notecards too! Thanks for hosting!

Judi said...

Count me in girl! I LOVE those cards.

Celeste said...

Lovely stuff!

Geri said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Please count me in !

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful! You have such a talent! I LOVE personalized notecards...And that twine is gorgeous! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Crafts! Please enter me

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

I love toile! Please add me! :o)

Anonymous said...

I love toile! Thanks, and count me in!

Stephanie said...

Really love those Card!Pick me!

Becca said...

Always love your stuff! I've been using the cards you made for me awhile ago and am almost out!!

Natalie said...

I love toile. They're beautiful.

forcryeye said...

fantastic giveaway! I have wanted this twine for a LONG time! martha uses it on everything!!!

Connie from Beverly Hills California said...

A Beautiful Giveaway!! Please count me in! Connie

Andrea said...

good giveaway!
can I still play if I'm from Canada?

Hillcrest Acres said...

I'm so excited because I love anything toile, especially black and white. Count me in please.

Someone Being Me said...

Wow, those are beautiful. Please sign me up.

Chilihead said...

Just beautiful. And useful to boot!

Kathryn & John said...

Please enter me in your contest. Your note cards are fabulous!

April said...

How very sweet! I love it! Please count me in!

pinkmommy said...

Adorable stuff! Sign me up!

Maebelle Park said...

Your cards are soooo pretty, please count me in...I hope I win!!!

windycindy said...

Fantastic giveaway! Your cards are stunning! Please enter my name in your fabulous giveaway drawing. Thanks very much.....Cindi

Rebecca said...

count me in

Nancy Sabina said...

Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how beautiful! I'd love to participate, enter me please!

phxbne said...

You have such lovely things! I love the brown and white twine especially.

Christy Lee said...

Your cards are beautiful. I would definitely love to win!

Jthemilker said...

Oh wow... such lovely things!!!

Miscellany Mom said...

beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards! Please enter me!

Phebe (

Londa said...

Your cards are GORGEOUS!!! Please enter me in your contest!

ljbs3 (at) juno (dot) com

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

Beautiful cards! I was born and raised in Alabama also - have been gone for 10 years but love going home. I am going to take a stroll through your blog and Etsy store - I love it when I find southerners! I also have a giveaway at
a subscription to Real Simple Magazine
Thank you.

Allison said...

Very cute! I love having note cards!

michelle said...

Great cards! I love the twine too. Please enter me in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Wendy said...

Great giveaway:) Count me in!

cabesh said...

Toile and twine--two of my favorites!

Teri said...

Those cards are beautiful! I would be honored to win them! Thank you!

Bree said...

Ohh- please enter me! Thanks!

Momof4 said...

What a great job you do on these! I'd love a chance to win. I'd use the twine in scrapbooking, among other things, and I absolutely love notecards. I've never had handmade personalized ones before. Tomorrow *is* my birthday... :-)

KnittinChick said...

Gorgeous. I'd love to have some:-)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful cards! I love toile. :) Thanks for entering me.

peg42 said...

These cards are so adorable and so is the toile. Thanks for offering this giveaway. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I love the cards!! So cute.

Carrie @carrieloves said...

Thank you for the lovely giveaway, please pick me!

The Chatty Housewife said...

Cool giveaway! I like your blog too. :)

Shannon said...


Sign me up!

Stacey said...

i would actually have to remember how to write a real note! but they are so beautiful!

Mommy said...

Please count me in your contest. Thank you for offering such a nice prize! :)

Elena said...

Love those notecards! Can you guess why? ;) Thanks for the contest!

Alaina said...

Those cards are beautiful!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Fantastic! Just the thing to force me to write a letter...

Rebecca said...

Please enter me!
rebeccagillespie at

Alana said...

Just change a couple of letters on those cards and they could be mine!

Mommy Bee said...

Love those cards! Beautiful! Count me in!

Christine said...

Gorgeous! Count me in!!!

Rachie S. said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

krista said...

count me in please! :)

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Please enter me

Anonymous said...

Fabulous prize! Thanks!

heather h said...

Oooh, I LOVE your cards and that twine! I guess I'd pick the twine first since I've been drooling over it for ages at Michael's, but boy oh boy, I'd also enjoy writing a letter on your cutie-pie stationery! Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...



Jackie said...

Those notecards have my daughters name on them. Literally.
Count me in , please!

Erin said...

Beautiful work!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Count me in please :)

Britni said...

These are beautiful. Please pick me!

Sheila said...

Those are beautiful cards!

Re said...

great contest! count me in!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!

Jenny said...

Your notecards are beautiful! Perfect for a quick note to a friend.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! I'd love to be entered. And have a great day!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

I love the cards! Please enter me!

Bebemiqui said...

Great Giveaway! Count me in :0)

nthornsberry said...

Great it.

cmay said...

so cute!

~Nancy~ said...

Oh, I am a grits too! I am from Arkansas, living in Kentucky, born in Texas, and my daughter attends Emory in Atlanta. So, so "grits", huh?! :0)

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance and please be sure to come enter mine.

MamaHen said...

I am a GRITS. From Alabama too. Please pick me!
Wendy Clark

you da mom! said...

those are fantastic! can't wait for the drawing!

Angela said...

Those look great!! please enter me!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card, and that twine sounds like fun! Count me in, please! :)

Team Zachary said...

Hey - I'm a GRIT too!!!! GA here :-)

Okay, I LOVE LOVE LOVE B&W toile! I have an entire guest bedroom done in it. My husband hates it, but I just say that it's the one and only really girly room in the house!

Thanks for offering such a great giveaway! Very generous of you!

Gina said...

I am obsessed with toile and would love to win this--count me in!

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff! Sign me up.

Ann said...

Elegant. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh I could soo use this stuff!!!!! please enter me into this lovely giveaway! Come by and visit me soemtime there is always something being made on my blog!

ahiltz said...

What beatiful stuff! Thanks so much for doing this!

Hélène said...

I love toile. Please enter me.

Lindsey said...

The notecards are fantastic!

Katie said...

I would really love to win this! Thank you for the great giveaway, and the chance to win!

katie at dekabyte dot com

maggie said...

The cards are lovely and the twine too. This is a great giveaway. Please count me in.

GiBee said...

What a GREAT giveaway prize! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your drawing!

D said...

those cards are too cute. count me in!

emerzim said...

Your cards are wonderful! I'd love to win!

Montserrat said...

I love toile! The cards are stunning by the way.

Good luck to everyone!

Hedi said...

the cards look so pretty!

Ames said...

I love the cards!
Thanks :)

Jennifer said...

Those cards ar gorgeous... you are very talented.

Erin said...

Such beautiful notecards!

Kristi said...

I'd love to have a set of your beautiful original note cards! Please count me in. Check out my humble little contest too!

Kristi said...

BTW I just visited your etsy shop and hearted you. My etsy id is sunnykristi. Nice shop!

Anonymous said...

I love stationery!

Jenn said...

What a creative giveaway! I would love to win it.

Anonymous said...

great giveaway
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Katie B said...

Great notecards! And the twine would be useful too. Thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca said...

Your cards are amazing. I'd love the red & white twine. Thanks.

Ginny said...

That is gorgeous, would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful items!

Sarah said...

Your cards are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

the cards are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow ... the cards are great. Would love to have them.
Mandy R.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Great work!
Hope I win

Anonymous said...

enter me please.

Stacey Moore said...

please enter us in your awesome contest!! thanks so much!!

Jenna Z said...

Wow, awesome prize! Love it!

Chastity said...

Very cool! I'd love to win these!!

Pheobie said...

These are beautiful! Love handmade items.

Meagan said...

The cards are gorgeous! Count me in!

Valerie said...

this is so pretty!

Sara said...

Love the note cards! They are beautiful. Thanks for entering me :)

Anonymous said...

How very talented you are. What a great giveaway, thanks.

Mama Said Sew said...

Your cards are beautiful!

Britt said...

What an awesome giveaway, thanks!!

Tracy DeLuca said...

Beautiful cards! Hope I win!

Whitney said...

Beautiful stuff!

T'aowyn said...

The cards are fantastic.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Keryn said...

I hope I win! Thanks for the giveaway. My email addy is in my blogger profile, just in case I'm lucky.

Jennwith4 said...

Those cards are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

One of my new year's resolutions was to send REAL notes and letters to family & friends - this giveaway would help me do that! Thanks for the chance!

fizzledink (at) gmail (dot) com

Jennifer said...

I love your notecards! I have a love for creating stationery too :)

The Mom of 'em said...

so pretty and girly! I'd love them.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love these!


Anonymous said...

those are cute :)
enter me please

Anonymous said...

We would love to win your fabulous notecards! They're beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Jen said...

I really love toile....please count me in. I loved all your designs.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Count me in!

Christine said...

Please enter me. Your work is simply beautiful. Thanks.

Amy said...

I'd love to win. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love stationary too!

Anonymous said...

Love your notecards. Thanks for entering me! Please visit my giveaway(s). Best of luck to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Great! Enter me and enter my giveaway!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

I love those cards! And your fabric choices in your shop are so pretty! Thanks!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

I love those cards! And your fabric choices in your shop are so pretty! Thanks!

Marla H. said...

I hope I win! I love the giveaway!!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Lovely giveaway.


Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Lovely giveaway.


Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Lovely giveaway.


Julie said...

thanks for the giveaway!

Shane H. said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! :)

Shane H. said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! :)

Shane H. said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! :)

Taryn said...

Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

Taryn said...

Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

mommyofmany said...

Beautiful items! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Katie said...

How pretty. Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

Joanna said...

Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

GREAT LOOKING CARDS. PLEASE COUNT ME IN. (Sorry caps lock was stuck!) :)

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

It's all so gorgeous and vintage- thank you! I'm heading over to look around your shop now... :)

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Beautiful work! Thanks for the contest.

Preppy Mama said...

Love it all! Please count me in!!

Giabella Designs said...

I love the twine!!!!!!

ktrae said...

It's all so pretty.

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

Your cards are beautiful! I just love toile.

mtmommy said...

What a great gift! Please count me in!

Missy said...

how pretty!



megret7 said...

I adore toile. I adore note writing. I hope I am the lucky winner!! ( )

Cindy said...

Lovely notecards. Thank you for entering me.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work!

Trista said...

So nice! Please enter me!

60 toes said...

too cute, great contest


Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous! I really hope to win.

Nicole said...

Lovely cards!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful giveaway! Please enter me! Thanks!

Nordly said...

I'd love a set of handmade unique cards! So gorgeous!!

megan said...

I love these!!! You are very talented!

Anonymous said...

This is great! I'd love to enter :)

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

These are lovely!

Mandy said...

Please count me in as well! thanks!

Meredith A. said...

Your cards are beautiful!!! Count me in please!

Jessica said...

How beautiful! Count me in!

Mandy said...

So cute! I am a toile junkie!! I checked out your Etsy shop and everything is so cute. The book cover is such a great idea. I'm figuring out how I can leave a hint to my husband for valentine's day....heck, I'll just email him the link.:)

sweetsue said...

What nice prizes. I can think of all sorts of things to do with the twine. Please enter me.

osugrad said...

Your cards are spectacular and I love the red/white twine. Great prizes and we all appreciate the chance to win!

Kathie said...

please count me in

Michelle Baird Designs said...

My name would look so cute on those cards.

Anonymous said...

Pretty cards!

Thanks for the chance to win! :)


JewelsHud said...

Very pretty - I love notecards and I'm just wondering how creative I could be with the twine . . .


Jon and Sarah said...

Great giveaway. I hope I win!

Romie said...

Great giveaway - please count me in

Southerner said...

pick me

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