Tuesday, May 26, 2009

99 Etsy Sales

I have had a few orders today and just realized that I am at 99 Etsy Transactions. Holy Cow! Just had to share!

New Item in the Shop

I just added these today in my Etsy shop. I would love to send one to YOU! Just leave a comment and I will have Abigale draw a lucky winner! Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Priceless gift

My Aunt Polly is one of the craftiest (is that a word?) people I know. For a belated birthday/christmas present she sent me this wonderful scrapbook.

We had taken a trip to Vermont for Christmas last year and she had documented the whole trip for me. There are so many cute details that she included, like my to/from gift tag that was on her gift from me. She had saved it and put it on one of the pages. It was so nice to have a wonderful journal of our two weeks in Vermont.

Thanks Aunt Polly!!!

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Busy busy

These are going out in the mail today. Some teachers in Arkansas are going to get a nice treat from a co-worker!

Do you want one too? You can order one from my Etsy store on my sidebar.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Birthday Girl

Katherine turned 14 last week! Wow my baby has grown into a beautiful young women. I love you sweetie!

wordless wednesday

Friday, May 01, 2009

Notepad Winner

I asked Abigale to pick a number between 1-20. She thought and thought and finally came up with the winning blogger!

Who gets the cute notepad?

Comment number ONE!!

So Brandi email me and let me know your address and last name and I will get it out in the mail to you !

How funny that Brandi is from Alabama! Roll Tide Baby!

Happy Birthday Haydee Boo!

It is hard to believe that my sweet little boy is 9 today! How time flies!

I came across a paper he brought home a while back that his class mates had filed out. They had all written a compliment about Hayden. I thought they were so cute that I would write them here so he would always have them.

Hayden age 9

1) You're funny
2) You are a good reader
3) You are smart
4) You are cool
5) You're a nice person
6) Your nice
7) I like your shoes
8) You're really fast
9) You're a great friend
10) You are really funny
11) You are a cool guy
12) you are cool
13) You are a great salesman
14) Your a good friend
15) You are very energetic (this was from the teacher haha)
16) You are funny
17) You share very well
18) You are very funny
19) You are very very hilarious!
20) You are smart
21) I like your glasses

Happy Birthday Hayden!!